What is cooltech?

Cooltech is designed for treating localised pockets of fat located in various areas of the body. It has several applicators designed to adapt to all areas of the body thereby enabling one’s figure to be completely remodelled.

Using a cooling process called cool assisted lipolysis, the cooltech system targets and eliminate fat cells permanently. This non-invasive procedure selectively targets fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue.

6 Unique Applicators For Total Body Sculpting

The cooltech system has 6 different applicators that are designed to fit different areas of the body so people of all shapes and sizes are able to transform their figure.


Cooltech® is entered in the ARTG inclusion no: 276394

The cooltech advantage:
Complete full body adipolysis by vacuum freezing

The Science of cooltech

cooltech uses a controlled cooling process that destroys fat cells, and does not affect other cells. Fat cells are cooled to the point where the body’s natural “apoptosis” processes are triggered, gradually collecting these damaged fat cells and eliminating them from the body. The result is that fat deposits are dramatically reduced in size, without any effect on the skin or the surrounding tissue.

cooltech Fat Freezing is non-surgical body contouring at its best, targeting those fat deposits that don’t respond to your healthy lifestyle or exercise regime: abdomen, muffin top, love handles, inner arms, inner thighs, back bulges, outer hips, and even that dreaded double chin!

You get visible, measurable and lasting results without the surgery or downtime!

Cutting edge technology for body contouring

The cooltech procedure uses cryolipolysis technology.
It works on the principle that fat cells and tissue are significantly more vulnerable to temperature changes than other types of body tissue.
The controlled cooling treatment activates apoptosis— controlled cell death—gradually and naturally eliminating stubborn fat from the body.

Complete body remodelling

cooltech is designed for treating localised fat pockets in various areas of the body. It has six applicators fashioned to adapt to all has six applicators fashioned to adapt to all areas of the body, enabling one’s figure to be completely remodelled.

Maximum safety

cooltech has been studied in numerous in vivo and in vitro clinical trials with certified clinical predictability and maximum results. cooltech technology is based on the proven science of cryolipolysis.

Visible results

More than 1,000,000 patients have received coolltech treatments with high satisfaction rates. Patients can begin to see results in as little as 15 days.

Cutting edge technology for remodelling full body

The cooltech procedure utilises cryolipolysis technology. It works on the principle that fat cells and tissue are most vulnerable to fat cells and tissue are most vulnerable to temperature changes. The controlled cooling treatment activates apoptosis—controlled cell death—and gradually and naturally eliminates stubborn fat from the body.

What is fat freezing?

What is Fat Freezing?

Cooltech Fat Freezing is a treatment that uses precisely controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that is resilient to exercise or diet.

How it works?

Cooltech works by gently drawing fatty areas into the eski-design 6-different-sized applicators and cooling the area to a temperature that causes the destruction of the fat cells, while keeping normal cells intact. This brings about a gradual reduction in size of the fat layer of the target area. The built-in safety sensors maintain a constant target temperature that prevents unwanted side effects.

What areas it treats?

Unlike other cooling treatments, cooltech has dual hand pieces, so it can treat two sites at once, halving your treatment time, and saving you valuable time and money.

Why it’s the best?

Cooltech gives you visible, measurable, long-lasting fat reduction without surgery.