Freezing Fat Away
Fat Reduction by 360° Cooling Technology
The ultimate fat reduction solution that utilizes powerful, but stable cooling energy concentrated by multiple cup designs
accommodating for multiple body profiles and areas.
Natural, non-surgical body shaping with minimal discomfort and downtime.
CLATUU Freezing Fat Away is a non-invasive treatment designed to help you get rid of stubborn fat deposits without the discomfort and downtime of surgery. It utilises advanced cooling technology that allows you to return to your normal routine right after treatments.
Treatments take between 40 and 60 minutes at controlled temperatures yielding visible and measurable results within a 4-12 week window, with continuous improvement for a further 3 months.
The initial sensation will be a light tugging of the skin into the treatment cup. Once the target temperature is reached, the skin will be numb from sensation for most of the session. A light manual massage is given at the end of the treatment to restore sensation and to maximise the benefits of the treatment. Patients who have done several treatments have found CLATUU sessions to be comfortable.
Typically, a single treatment will yield 25-30% reduction in the fat content of a specified target area of the body. Post-treatment consultation will be done to ascertain whether a repeat treatment is necessary. Otherwise, treatments to other areas, including those adjacent to previously treated sections, can be done to further reduce stubborn fat and improve your overall body contours.
Am I a good candidate for CLATUU?
The ideal candidate for CLATUU Freezing Fat Away is a person whose BMI (Body Mass Index) is mildly above ideal, due to specific areas of unwanted fat that cannot be removed with diet or exercise. These might be fat bulges such as muffin tops, love handles, fat deposits on the abdomen, upper arms, pack, flanks. CLATUU treats both men and women.
CLATUU offers a solution to these issues — without surgery or downtime.
CLATUU Freezing Fat Away is not a weight loss treatment, nor does it replace the benefits of proper diet and exercise. It does not treat obesity. We recommend that patients who have had CLATUU treatments follow a healthy regimen of diet and exercise post-treatment in order to maximise the treatment benefits.
How Clatuu freezes your fat away.

Tried exercise and dieting but neither is working? Clatuu is your answer.
Clatuu Freezes Your Fat Away by using precisely controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that is resilient to exercise or diet.
Clatuu works by gently drawing fatty areas into the patented 360° applicators and cooling the area to a temperature that causes fat cell apoptosis – while keeping normal cells intact.
Built-in sensors maintain a constant target temperature that assists in the best possible reduction.
The results of Clatuu are proven and visible, and with the ability to treat two sites at once, you can cut down treatment time in half giving you time to do the things you want to do.